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CAA Examination

One of our optometrists, Callum Milburn, is an accredited examiner for the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Examinations for the CAA involves a full eye examination with some extra tests including a dilated pupil examination.

Police Vision Testing

Applicants to the Police must pass vision and colour vision requirements. Both our optometrists are accredited examiners for Level 1 testing for Police entry. Callum Milburn is also accredited to perform Level 2 testing (for those applicants who have undergone refractive surgery such as LASIK).
Please note Level 2 testing cannot be done until at least 3 months following surgery.

Maritime NZ Examination

A Seafarer may be referred to one of our registered optometrists for specialist assessment for eyesight or colour vision test assessment or if reduced night vision is suspected. 

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